Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Prepare the Way

Sometimes I feel as though I’m wondering aimlessly through life, filling my days with mundane tasks that matter little to the bigger picture. I have a sense of purpose, but I wonder if what bombards me each day as necessity (i.e. cleaning out the litter box, making lunches, sweeping, reading children’s books, playing transformers, etc.) is really part of what helps me fulfill that purpose. I would like to propose that it does.

God prepared the Israelites for His purposes for them in the Promised Land. "While Israel was camped beside the Jordan on the plains of Moab across from Jericho, the Lord said to Moses..." (Numbers 35:1) The land of Canaan which God had promised to them as their inheritance was across the Jordan River. They had yet to attain their promise. When He speaks to Moses in the following verses of chapter 35, He passes down more instruction. The instruction is not what caught my eye. It was the phrase, "While Israel was camped..." which is very similar to verses 9 & 10 later in the chapter, "The Lord said to Moses... 'When you cross the Jordan in to the land of Canaan..." Before ever entering into God's promise for them, He prepared them for life inside that promise.

God has prepared me for His purposes as well. Writing here has brought about times of reflection recently. I have wondered how I got here. God has shown me that it has been no secret. Normal everday activities have played their part in readying me for His work. Memories flood my mind... journaling to God as a tweenager and high schooler... my English comp teacher at Auburn attempting to persuade me to change my major... a dear friend commenting on the gift God has given me to express myself in written form in my journals... His Word drawing me into intimacy with Him through those journals... He had prepared me all along to write for Him.

When my days are often scheduled to the hour, so full that I seem to be running perpetually, I often don't consider that what God is teaching me through everyday activities is preparation for where He is taking me. Life comes at me quickly and waiting is something there is little time for. But, if ever I take a moment to reflect through the pages of my journals or take hold of memories as they pop up out of nowhere, I see that even in my hustle and bustle He was there preparing me.