Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Beginning in the middle...

The past few years I have sought to spend time daily reading the Bible. I want God's Holy Spirit to transform me into a person more like Jesus with every word I read. I found the best way to absorb my day's reading was to journal. Writing somehow made it stick.

Recently, I've been feeling God leading me to write about my time with Him. I had ventured away from keeping a written journal of our time together in His Word and thought He meant I was to pick up journaling again. So, again I journaled each time I read. As I journaled and read, more and more passages came up that influenced me to look at making my journal entries available to a wider audience. "Write in a book everything you see and send it..." (Revelation 1:11)... And here we are, first post, sending...

Yet, as I get ready to send, I feel as though you are entering into the middle of my journey. Where this blog begins is not the beginning at all for me. Now is the time... beginning in the middle...