Thursday, May 14, 2009


For my current Bible study, Believing God by Beth Moore, she has asked that we read Romans 4 twenty times over the course of nine weeks. As I sat down to mark another reading off this list of must do’s, I thought to myself, “I wish reading this chapter was more than just another to do. I really want to get something new from here, but I practically know these words by heart I’ve read it so many times in the past few weeks.” I did not speak these thoughts to God. They were merely thoughts contained within. A similar example would be what I thought yesterday as I cleaned a disgusting toilet, “I really don’t want to do this. I’m not even sure I can stomach this. Man, this toilet is just gross!” Thoughts… not something I prayed to my Heavenly Father.

These thoughts (about Romans 4, not the toilet) occurred simultaneously with my eyes beginning to read. As if words had a voice of their own, they leapt into my heart and mind in a whole new way. The revelation in itself is a feast for my soul, but what God spoke to me first came from Isaiah. “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!... Now I will tell you new things, secrets you have not yet heard. They are brand new, not things from the past… Yes, I will tell you of things that are entirely new, things you never heard before.” (65:24, 48: 6,7,8)

I just giggle inside at my AWESOME God! Oh how He loves us so!! (