Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let's Party!

In the hustle and bustle of being slammed back into the real world after rebelling from all minor responsibilities over the holidays, I could sure use a good pick-me-up. The first few weeks after Christmas are always a real downer for me. I often struggle to fight the effects of the big let down. Life after Christmas seems to be far less exciting and more demanding than the days spent celebrating Christ's birth.

Well, today is my lucky day! As I trudged on into Numbers 9 & 10, God sent me that little lift for which my soul so desperately longed. I read as God gave Moses what seemed to be more regulations to follow until I noticed... " 'Tell the Israelites to celebrate the Passover...' So Moses told the people to celebrate the Passover... And they celebrated the festival." (Numbers 9:2, 4, 5)

I frequently avoid seeking God's guidance because I assume His input will include a long list of thou-shalt-nots and must-dos. It never enters my thinking that He might actually want me to celebrate the slavery from which He saved me and the freedom He provided in its place. This life, this "Christian life," He desires for me to celebrate.

Often I look at "living for God" as strict and solemn. It may be, as in the case of the Passover for the Israelites, I do not celebrate enough this life He breathes into me. I get caught up in performing to a certain standard, a standard that consists of some imaginary list of good Christian must-dos that only a perfect person can keep. Realizing my humanness and forever failing to measure up, I will live my days with less enthusiasm knowing I will never be good enough.

But to celebrate the life He provides me, changes my mental state. Life, all of life because all of it counts, even the most mundane daily tasks, should be celebrated because God has provided it. A celebration! A party! Each day lived with excitement, praising Him for the freedom He bought for me at such a high price.

Just writing these words promotes a spirit ready to overflow with His glory. I have turned on Chris Tomlin's song Holy Is the Lord and sit here with a smile on my face, head bouncing, hardly able to contain myself. Celebrating... living... cooking dinner... playing "Star Wars" with HG... getting beat at the board game Sorry... water skiing... watching football... hanging with friends... chatting with a dear, far away friend... random acts of kindness to strangers... blogging... sitting quietly... This is the life He calls me to daily. This is the life I celebrate!